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Insights, Expertise, and Updates in Employment Law

Explore a Wealth of Employment Law Insights and Resources. Smith Riddles LLP, committed to advocating for workplace justice, offers a comprehensive collection of articles and guides covering crucial topics in employment law. Our library serves as an invaluable resource to enhance your understanding of age discrimination, disability rights, sexual harassment, workplace retaliation, wrongful termination, and more.

Dive into our curated resources to gain valuable insights, practical advice, and a deeper understanding of your rights in the workplace. Our commitment is to empower individuals with knowledge, helping them navigate complex employment law issues effectively.

Explore our Employment Law Resources today to access expert insights and equip yourself with the necessary tools to protect your rights. Afterward, connect with our legal team for a complimentary consultation to discuss your specific case and legal needs.

What to Do if Your Employer Denies Your Accommodation Request in Irvine, CA

What to Do if Your Employer Denies Your Accommodation Request in Irvine, CA

In the dynamic landscape of the Irvine, CA job market, employees often find themselves in need of accommodations due to various reasons, such as health issues or disabilities. It’s essential for workers to understand their rights and know what steps to take if their employer denies an accommodation request. Smith Riddles LLP recognizes the importance […]

Common Types of Disability Discrimination Cases in Irvine, CA

Common Types of Disability Discrimination Cases in Irvine, CA

Disability discrimination is an unfortunate reality that persists in various aspects of society, including the workplace, education, and public services. In Irvine, California, where diversity is celebrated, instances of disability discrimination can be particularly disheartening. Understanding the common types of disability discrimination cases that arise in Irvine is essential for both employers and employees to […]

Common Types of Wrongful Termination in Los Angeles County, CA

Common Types of Wrongful Termination in Los Angeles County, CA

At Smith Riddles LLP, we understand that losing a job can be a distressing experience, especially when it happens unexpectedly and under circumstances that seem unfair. Wrongful termination is a serious issue that affects countless employees in Los Angeles County, California. One this page, we will explore some common types of wrongful termination in this […]

How to File a Complaint with the California Labor Commissioner

How to File a Complaint with the California Labor Commissioner

In the realm of employment disputes, Smith Riddles LLP, understands the intricacies individuals face when seeking justice. Our focus goes beyond the confines of the courtroom, and we are committed to guiding individuals through the process of filing a complaint with the California Labor Commissioner. This guide serves as your roadmap, elucidating crucial steps and […]

Understanding California Wrongful Termination: What Is It Exactly?

Understanding California Wrongful Termination: What Is It Exactly?

Losing a job can be a challenging and emotional experience, especially when it happens unexpectedly. In California, like in many other states, there are laws in place to protect employees from unfair and unjust termination. This blog post aims to shed light on the concept of wrongful termination in California, providing a comprehensive understanding of […]

Understanding At-Will Employment in Los Angeles County: When Can You Be Fired Unfairly?

Understanding At-Will Employment in Los Angeles County: When Can You Be Fired Unfairly?

At-will employment is a common practice in many parts of the United States, including Los Angeles County. Under this arrangement, employers have the right to terminate an employee at any time, for any reason (with some exceptions), and employees have the right to resign at their discretion. While this arrangement offers flexibility for both parties, […]

Legal Remedies for Wrongful Termination: Pursuing Justice After Job Loss in California

Legal Remedies for Wrongful Termination: Pursuing Justice After Job Loss in California

Losing your job can be a distressing experience, especially when you believe it was unjust or unlawful. In California, as in many other states, there are legal protections in place to ensure that employees are not wrongfully terminated. Wrongful termination occurs when an employee is fired for reasons that violate state or federal laws, employment […]

Documenting Wrongful Termination: Building a Strong Legal Case in Southern California

Documenting Wrongful Termination: Building a Strong Legal Case in Southern California

Losing your job can be a stressful and challenging experience, especially when you suspect that your termination was wrongful or unjust. In Southern California, as in many parts of the United States, wrongful termination can have severe consequences for both employees and employers. If you find yourself in such a situation, it’s essential to document […]

Understanding Your Rights: Protections Against Workplace Retaliation in California

Understanding Your Rights: Protections Against Workplace Retaliation in California

In the Golden State of California, employees enjoy a robust set of rights and protections in the workplace. One crucial aspect of these rights is protection against workplace retaliation. California labor laws prioritize employees’ well-being and job security, making it essential for every worker to understand their rights in this regard. In this blog post, […]

Retaliation and Legal Remedies: Pursuing Justice for Workplace Injustice in Irvine, CA

Retaliation and Legal Remedies: Pursuing Justice for Workplace Injustice in Irvine, CA

Workplace injustice can take many forms, from discrimination and harassment to unfair treatment and wrongful termination. Regardless of the specific type of injustice one faces, retaliation is often a common concern for employees who decide to speak out against their employers. However, in Irvine, California, employees have a range of legal remedies and avenues to […]